Play Mode Hearthstone

play mode

Collectible (Collectible) Hearthstone

Collectible cards are cards which are available for players to collect and use in their decks. The majority of all playable cards are collectible cards. Players can view their collectible card collection through the collection
Friendly Challenge (Friendly Challenge) Hearthstone

The Friendly screen Friendly Challenge, also known as Friendly Play, is a game mode in which players can battle against other players on their friends list in private unranked matches, often referred to as duels.
Friendly Challenge (Friendly) Hearthstone

The Friendly screen Friendly Challenge, also known as Friendly Play, is a game mode in which players can battle against other players on their friends list in private unranked matches, often referred to as duels.
Constructed (Constructed) Hearthstone

Constructed is a term used to refer to decks which have been created using cards from the player s collection. Constructed play is play in either Play mode, Practice mode or Friendly Challenge. Some Tavern Brawls
Game Menu (Game Menu) Hearthstone

The Game Menu as seen during a match against another player The cog-wheel icon. The Game Menu is a menu dialog accessed through the cog-wheel icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen, available at
Tips (Tips) Hearthstone

Tips are offered to players on the Finding Opponent and Starting Game loading screens, prior to the beginning of each game. Tips are randomly chosen from a selection of possible tips, partly determined by the
Game mode (Game modes) Hearthstone

Hearthstone provides five primary game modes in which to do battle: Play mode Adventure mode Arena Friendly Challenge Tavern Brawl Game mode affects several secondary play factors, including matchmaking, rewards, and deck selection. However, the
Game mode (Game mode) Hearthstone

Hearthstone provides five primary game modes in which to do battle: Play mode Adventure mode Arena Friendly Challenge Tavern Brawl Game mode affects several secondary play factors, including matchmaking, rewards, and deck selection. However, the
Play mode (Play mode) Hearthstone

Preparing for battle in Ranked play mode, in Standard format Play mode is a game mode that matches players against other human players of similar skill. Players can choose to play Casual friendly games, or
Play mode (Casual) Hearthstone

Preparing for battle in Ranked play mode, in Standard format Play mode is a game mode that matches players against other human players of similar skill. Players can choose to play Casual friendly games, or